Opinion: Zimbabwe and the origins and cure for HIV/Aids

Zimbabwe, the formerly Rhodesia, a forgotten country in AIDS literature, Part 7 of 20 –The discovery of HIV antibodies after tuberculosis vaccination by the Pasteur Institute of France in Zimbabwean children and an explosion or veneral diseases. Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here, Part 6

By John van Dongen, Maastricht, the Netherlands. When AIDS became a media event in 1984 every time medic thought, “Would this be the end of the World”. Epidemic statisticians after excelled there in ever growing projections until the end of humankind was earmarked collateral already somewhere between 2010 and 2050. But what really happened that is mainly affected black skinned people are increasing and HIV infections in the Western countries decreases. What happened I will try to reveal within 20 articles devoted exclusively to Africa, the continent where AIDS is disproportionately handled as a result of experiments by scientists, soldiers and pharmacologists from the colonizing countries. Western Africa countries along a ruler in hand slap and have divided the continent after a long bloody battle left bewildered. I’m picking up the thread around the year 1970 in the former Rhodesia now called Zimbabwe.

After 1970 the people of Zimbabwe and neighboring countries particularly affected by tuberculosis and venereal diseases, and in 1978 there is suddenly a measles epidemic. In the eighties is that people flock suffering from AIDS after scientists at the Institute Pasteur 1,558,800 doses of TB vaccine to children in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe which was previously shown that the vaccine had serious side effects. After the tuberculosis vaccination of the Institute Pasteur very serious side effects occur in children in Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe *. And because the vaccine had very serious side effect it destroyed the Ugandan government badges 385,000 which is noticed by a scientist who reports to the phenomenon: Weekly Topic 1991 March 8: 1 (col.1-6) And above all, a huge increase in tuberculosis among children is described in which remarkable that these infections only occur in children under nine years, not ten years. For their age-group, the count from 1983 to 1986, Increased by 432% *. Hospitals, including Mbare Hospital in Harare *, are suddenly full of tuberculosis patients and people suffering from veneral diseases.

Curiously, it is mainly children who are sick while about half of all juvenile patients developed antibodies against the HIV virus in their blood. Even more astonishing is the fact that this result is indicated by the WHO in 1992 in a Weekly Epidemic Record*. The Centers for Disease Controls USA reports listed in the relationship between AIDS and tuberculosis*. Various reports are unanimous in their opinion that patients were affected by HIV infected tuberculosis prior to any indications of HIV infection, including that of Duncanson in 1983 with titlle: TB, a harbinger for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Clin. Res. 1983, 31: 691A.

If therefore the WHO in 1989 reported that HIV in TB hospitals could have been spread as a result of unhygienic anti-tuberculosis injections then my complete bewilderment. Even more remarkable is that the HIV infections originate only from U.S. or British American hospitals financed and managed. Unlike other hospitals these HIV infections occurred little or not at all. Except those held by WHO expert Slutkin reports. Slutkin indicates that in 30 to 60% of children under nine years with tuberculosis in the Chinkala hospital for tuberculosis patients in Mazubuku in the former North Rhodesia, 23% of the TB patient’s HIV was caused by unhygienic vaccination with TB vaccines. Similar office materials were found in children in the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka in Zambia, the former North Rhodesia. And what is also striking is that many of the children are resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampizin, antibiotics in countries outside Africa TB pretty easy is to fight. Also notice that nearly 100% of children infected with cytomegalovirus, a virus that causes AIDS-like in children. A virus that is also responsible for Kaposi’s sarcoma a little bit more on that below and in the next chapter.

SM/rm 9000 AIDS cases reported in Zimbabwe, Harare: Department of Information, Press Statement203/90/RN/BC/SD. 1990 Aug. 24.

Stamps T.J. Minister of Health, Zimbabwe. Personal communications to Beckmann S. 1990 Nov. 28.

Ray C.S. et al. Lymphadenitis Associated with BCG Vaccination: A report of an Outbreak in Harare, Zimbabwe. Centr. Afr. J. Med. 1988; 34: 281-286.

*WHO, Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) –Data as at 1 July 1992. Wkly      epidem. Rec; 1992; 67; 201-2.

*Tuberculose, final data –United States 1986. MMWR 1988;36; 817-820.

*CDC. Tuberculosis and immunodeficiency  virus infection: Recommendations  of the Advisory Committee for the elimination of tuberculosis (ACET). MMWR 1989;38:236-250.

*WHO/IUALTD. Working Group on HIV and tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and AIDS.Bull. Int. Union Tuberc. lung dis. 1989,64;8-11.

*Standaert B. et al. The association of TB and HIV infection in Burundi. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 1989; 5:247-251.

*Elliot A.M. et al 1990. Impact of HIV and tuberculosis in formerly North Rhodesia; A cross sectional study BMJ., 301, 412-5

Mycotocin, an agent that causes AIDS in Zimbabwean children
Research done in the rare literature on the AIDS explosion in Zimbabwe will ultimately produce a report by Steyn in 1974 in which he reports on a rare substance in the blood of children. In its report: An investigation into cases of suspected poisoning in Africans in Rhodesia. If the blood of 80 children is examined it is clear that the substance mycotoxin, and agent that can greatly reduce the immunological resistance to or even below the level of AIDS. Further investigation shows that Steyn in thousands of sheeps and goats of Shona farmers  found mycotoxins in the blood of these animals. Later proved that the animals  died within hours.

The cause of this phenomenon is published by South African and UK scientists, non political question in journals. If I go then I spit an article in the Lancet from a 1957, which describes experiments that have un-camouflaged leg carried out by French scientists Between 1958 and 1960. The article from Payer et al 1966 named; Deux observations d’enfants ayant consommé the facon prolongerdes souillees farines par aspergilles flavus, myxotoxine, Presse Med. 1966, 74, 649-51.

Still further back in time also describes R.C. Shank and others in 1971 that within autopsy material of children aflatoxin is found. The children had obviously died of AIDS.

And not only mycotoxins were found in Zimbabwean children. Between 1911 and 1947 there was no single case of Kaposi’s sarcoma in the former Rhodesia. The sudden onset of Kaposi’s sarcoma clusters among dark-skinned persons in Zimbabwe raises during the period of Ian Smiths’ Rhodesia. The same phenomenon has happened in South Africa under the apartheids regime. As soon as the National Party came to power, the first edition of the South African Journal of Clinical Science dedicated the first 25 pages to this comparatively quite insignificant disease, in March 1950  there are 41 cases described by Kaminer S. Afr. J. Clin. Sci.; 1:1-25.

Brief history of the formerly Rhodesia, Zimbabwe

During World War II, the Southern Rhodesian military units participated on the side of the United Kingdom. Specifically, Southern Rhodesian Forces were involved in the East African campaign.

Southern Rhodesia developed an economy that was narrowly based on the production of a small number of primary products (notably, tobacco and chrome). It became therefore very vulnerable to the economic cycle. The deep recession of the 1930s a cool way to post-war boom. This tree prompted the immigration of about 200,000 white settlers between 1945 and 1970, taking the white population up to 270,000. A large number of immigrants were thesis of British working-class origin.

Already in the 1940s, the founding of a University to serve Central African countries was proposed. Such an university was eventually established in Salisbury, with funding provided by British, Rhodesian and CAF Governments and some private sources. One condition of British funding was that should be a student admission based on “academic achievement and good character” with no racial distinction. The University College of Rhodesia (UCR) received its first intake of students in 1952. Until 1971 it awarded degrees of the Universities of London and Birmingham. UCR in 1971 became the University of Rhodesia and its own started awarding degrees. In 1980 it was renamed the University of Zimbabwe.

The Rhodesian government, which was especially in favor in using the new anyway, did not press the issue. The Unilateral Declaration of Independence was in the name or Rhodesia. While the new was particularly widely used, ‘Southern Rhodesia’ remained the colony’s formal United Kingdom particularly in constitutional theory: for example, the Act passed by the parliament declaring the United Kingdom independence was a legal nullity entitled the Southern Rhodesia Act, 1965. When the rebellion was formally declared at an end by the passing of the Constitution of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (Amendment No. 4) Act 1979, the United Kingdom resumed the governance of the colony under the direct control of the governor under the name or Southern Rhodesia. In April 18th, 1980 Zimbabwe became an independent state and the British administration abolished. Robert Mugabe became prime minister and the Reverend Canaan Banana president. Ian Smith became an adviser to the government and continued as such for the international trade interests of Zimbabwe. Within the parliament, Smith became the leader of the opposition, RF was renamed Republican Front, the name Rhodesia was no longer used.

AIDS figures from Zimbabwe discussed by Mugabe.

And only when Mugabe came to power Zimbabwe became clear how many were sick and many still deadly infections in a country where such earlier decades did not even exist like tuberculosis. Infections leading to AIDS, but this disease was not official in 1980 in Zimbabwe. No, AIDS was officially only after the fight between them the so called discoverers Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier in the early eighties. But the AIDS figures have since not lied to, but now officially be taken off. But will the illness exist because they are effectively combated by the West? Of course not, it is declining because people die en masse as the figure show:

Zimbabwe hiv/AIDS figures in persons with hiv/AIDS

year hiv/AIDS figures in persons with hiv/AIDS
2001 1500000
2002 1500000
2003 2300000
2004 2300000
2005 1800000
2006 1800000
2007 1800000
2008 1800000
2009 1300000

The above shows the official figures, but since it is often handled. Other figures from 1999 show that of all adults in Zimbabwe 25.06% infected with the HIV virus and that there are now 160,000 AIDS deaths fall. In 2002 Zimbabwe to deal with the enormous number of 700,000 AIDS orphans.

And Zimbabwe is not only affected by an AIDS explosion but it is also confronted with the side effects. Thus, millions of African school children no longer visit because the teachers are too sick to be able to teach or even are deceased. In Zimbabwe and neighboring countries is 85% of the deceased between 1996 and 1998 teachers died of AIDS. In parts of Malawi and Uganda it was one of the three infected teachers  and in Zimbabwe it was one in four.

But children lose not only their teachers but also parents and those who care for the children. This is the support for these children away to school. Sixty percent of new infections occurs between the ages of 15 and 24 years. How you look at these numbers, they only partially reveal the truth again. For example, terminal patients are sent home because there is simply no space, manpower and money to care for them. But how should that care be made if there is no clean drinking water, bandages, medicines, food or even a bed missing? The critically ill patients live with pain and a rotting skin eventually somewhere in a corner to be submitted to die. NIH, WHO, CDC, Western Governments, the Netherlands … ..? Where is the money that now flows to Japan in large flows to the effects of the earthquake to fight? I do not mistake because the Japanese are fine, of course, but do agree a compromise with what is in black-skinned Africa, though, happened? In Zimbabwe there is no family without AIDS, and it affects the breadwinners, nurses, teachers and farmers. Where is the massive aid that other, read white, countries are possible if a disaster of this magnitude takes place?

Has America forgotten an apology from former President Clinton for a medical experiment, in which hundreds of black men with syphilis were denied medication members? Experiments, at least by the English, French and Germans, including innocent children in Zimbabwe, which have been conducted because the soil in the western countries, the scientists were too hot underfoot.

And was not on January 1th, 1904 in the Netherlands some turmoil as the “Organ of the Dutch Society for the Prevention of Vivisection” reports that, according to a report in a German medical magazine, the Prussian government professor Albert Neisse in the teachings of the skin at the University of Breslau, with unlimited credit to the island of Java, sent in order to test how the serum syphilis to children in hospitals would perform. Neisse, got a penalty of three hundred mark and a reprimand. The institution also mentions that: “Neisse looks forward to the warm sympathy of doctors and government officials there and that our” Dutch colonial Governors’ who learned benefactor of mankind with due honor will receive it privately with the dreadful disease will continue to experiment.

Initially, Mugabe claimed a moderate regime, however with the passage of time increasingly dictatorial tendencies began to show as was the West. He aimed at a ‘party system’, which was contrary to the Lancaster House Agreement that corresponded to the prevailing Western policy in many other African countries.  Because in Zimbabwe lack clean drinking water, broke down in August 2008 an outbreak of cholera. On December 11, 2008 Mugabe denied the epidemic, but that denial was one day later withdrawn, according to a spokesman for the Mugabe government had “a joke” as announced in the west. That same day, December 12, 2008, Mugabe declared that the cholera epidemic was caused by Britain in an attempt to commit genocide on the people of Zimbabwe. Britain would be assisted by other Western powers. From August to December 2008 30 000 Zimbabweans were infected and 1500 died. Clean drinking water  which was mostly in and around cities was not available. Mugabe initially refused all help, but by mid-December he accepted to get international aid workers who could provide clean drinking water. Meanwhile, half of the population undernourished, emaciated at least, but that it came from malnutrition? For “slim disease” is synonymous with AIDS. And as with Thabo Mbeki is also the case by the West as Mugabe branded an imbecile.

And if you still doubt the integrity of Mugabe at this point then there are the comparable figures in the following mentioned hospitals below.

Another phenomenon which occured was the fact that within a 100% of all black-skinned patients and blood donors in the mentioned hospitals and in the surrounding countries of Zimbabwe were contaminated with the cytomegalovirus. The virus was found in: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire and Zambia.

In addition, these alarming facts also came to light where children in orphanages and children’s homes were vaccinated. The huge response in the body of these children were by the pharmaceutical giant Upjohn observed after the administration of smallpox, polio BCG and measles vaccinations. The diseases that vaccinations caused spoke volumes and these diseases include mycosis fungoides (AIDS eds.), tuberculosis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and cytomegalitis. It is incomprehensible that the scientists attribute the cause of such illnesses in a HIV-0 infection.

Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya 1984, 1985 and 1987.

Hospital for Veneral Diseases, Lusaka, Zambia 1985

Rural Zambia; Meerane K. Prevalence of HIV infection among Patients with leprosy and tuberculosis BMJ 1989; 298: 364-5.

Kampala Hospitals and the Mulago hospital, Kampala, Uganda. O. Muller AIDS in Uganda – state of the epidemic in einem Hoch-afrikanischen Endemieland. AIFO 1991, 6:124-9.

Internal Hospital, Kinshasa, Zaire. N’Galy B. Epidemiology of HIV infection in Zaire. In: G. Giraldo et al AIDS and associated cancers in Africa Basel Karger, 1988, 37-40.
Mama Yemo Hospital, Kinshasa, Zaire. Mann J.M. et al Human immunodeficiency in Pediatric Patients 2 to 14 years of age at Mama Yemo Hospital. Pediatrics 1986; 78:673-7.

To be continued …