SAM BED NET introduces mosquito nets to protect against malaria

Indian company, SAM BED NET comes up with a mosquito net that is designed in a new way to protect against malaria causing mosquitoes. The vast majority of malaria deaths occur in Africa, south of the Sahara, where malaria also presents major obstacles to social and economic development. Malaria has been estimated to cost Africa more than US$ 12 billion every year in lost GDP, even though it could be controlled for a fraction of that sum.

Simply expand the Collapsible SAM BED NET and it’s ready to sleep in.
Simply expand the Collapsible SAM BED NET and it’s ready to sleep in.

There are at least 300 million acute cases of malaria each year globally, resulting in more than a million deaths. Around 90% of these deaths occur in Africa, mostly in young children. Malaria is Africa’s leading cause of under-five mortality (20%) and constitutes 10% of the continent’s overall disease burden. It accounts for 40% of public health expenditure, 30-50% of inpatient admissions, and up to 50% of outpatient visits in areas with high malaria transmission.

There are several reasons why Africa bears an overwhelming proportion of the malaria burden. Most malaria infections in Africa south of the Sahara are caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the most severe and life-threatening form of the disease. This region is also home to the most efficient, and therefore deadly, species of the mosquitoes which transmit the disease. Moreover, many countries in Africa lacked the infrastructures and resources necessary to mount sustainable campaigns against malaria and as a result few benefited from historical efforts to eradicate malaria.

What is malaria?

Malaria is one of the biggest killers in the world. WHO estimates that each year nearly 300 million people become acutely ill from malaria – and more than 1 million will die from the disease. Illness and death from malaria are largely preventable.

Where is malaria prevalent?

Forty percent of the world’s population—mostly people living in the world’s poorest countries—is at risk of contracting malaria. The disease is most prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, but 90 percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Other affected areas include India, Southeast Asia, Central and northern South America.

Who is most affected by malaria?

Sadly, the people most at-risk of contracting malaria are young children, women who lose their acquired immunity to malaria during pregnancy, and people who lack any immunity to the disease, such as refugees and migrant workers moving from areas where there is little malaria.3 Malaria is Africa’s leading cause of mortality for children under five. Neurological damage can result in non-fatal cases of the disease

What are the economic costs of malaria in Africa?

Malaria is estimated to cost Africa more than USD 12 billion every year in lost GDP. It is both a disease of poverty and a cause of poverty, with economic growth in countries with high malaria transmission significantly lower than in countries without malaria.

How much is spent on malaria-related items in areas with high malaria transmission?

In areas with high malaria transmission, malaria accounts for 40 percent of public health expenditure, 30 – 50 percent of inpatient admissions, and up to 50 percent of outpatient visits.

What are the preventive measures ?

How to hang a mosquito net outdoors?
How to hang a mosquito net outdoors? Driving bamboos down the ground and balancing angles ? No..

WHO recommends Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets (LLINs) for public health distribution programs. But distributing just the bed nets does not solve the problem. The hassle of hanging a mosquito net specially outdoors still remains a big problem.

Why are the normal LLINs not very effective?

The bed nets distributed by governments and international organizations have one basic design: It is rectangular. The rectangular design ties to the ceiling with four strings and hangs straight down on all sides of the bed, with the fringes again tucked under the mattress. The designs works well for middle-class homes with flat ceilings and a bed for every member of the family. But most of the poor in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in rural areas, live in mud huts, often with thatched roofs.
Hanging mosquito nets is very difficult in these homes, and most people prefer the circular nets because they are easier to hang. Although the rectangular nets can be used without a bed, the circular nets cannot, because they have to be tucked under the mattress to fan out. In many African and Indian communities, most children younger than five sleep on the floor, so only the rectangular nets would be effective. But the rectangular nets take up quite a bit of room in a mud hut and have to be taken down and re-hung every night for the hut to be of use during the day. Given the difficulty of hanging the nets, it is unreasonable to expect people to follow this routine. An improved mosquito net was necessary to be invented if progress was to be made in combating the disease effectively.

Is this how to hang the net?
Is this how to hang the net?

What is SAM BED NET ?

SAM BED NET is world’s first anti-malarial, self-standing, collapsible, portable, rectangular mosquito net which makes the use of mosquito net very easy. It comes with a carry bag and thus becomes a portable malaria guard. Even the tourists can easily carry it while traveling to Africa.
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